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We've tried to keep Lacy's material as true as possible to the way that she left it. All underlined words, notes, and bolded areas are her own.

If you use her material elsewhere, please give Lacy Pittman credit as the author.


"Am I Going To Heaven?" "Drowning" "The Distance" "B4 I Die"
Found in her things "Teddy" About Journey1 About Journey2
"Everyday" "Late at Night" Comedy Sketch "When I Get There"
"Father's Hands" "Changing Me" "The Way You Change" <untitled>
"Tough" "I Know You Were Young" Writing about her mom Book Essay
Story Plot Bible verse notes Soccer poem Writing about her poppa
"Like Loving Rain" Airplane poem "Whispers of Satan" "...High school success story"
<untitled play> "Cruisin'" "Terror Plot" "Choices"

Copyrighted 2010

Updated on: 09/05/2011 11:30:18 PM

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